The Science Museum will be built in what is already today the new cultural living room of the city of Rome. An area between the bend of the Tiber and the slopes of Monte Mario, where the traces of a complex urban develop- ment have settled, as in a palimpsest defined by André Corboz: the area’s twentieth- century industrial tradition interfaces with works of contemporary architecture of great importance, such as the MAXXI by Zaha Hadid, the Pala- zzetto dello Sport in Nervi, the Piano Auditorium and what will be the Great MAXXI by the LAN studio. Aware of intervening in a context rich in history but inclined towards a new urbanism defined by the masterplan of the Viganò studio, our design process arose from a careful and critical reading of those traces left by past interventions and by the regulatory principles of those to come, in order to trace the genius loci of the Flaminio district.
Therefore, our proposal from the Science Museum seeks to systematize the typological linearity of the industrial building object of the competition with the neighboring architectural emergencies (mainly the MAXXI and the great MAXXI) and the system of axes, greenery and squares proposed by the new master plan by Viganò . Architecture, landscape and urban planning con- verge in what will be the new Science Museum in Rome.
Collaboration with FluidiForme & KH Studio. Team: Antonino Caridi, Davide Casaletto, Henrik Gjerstad & Kaspar Sando